103 ⎸ [Q&A] Why DIY E-Commerce is no-go

pricing strategies tips Jun 20, 2023
Episode 103: [Q&A] Why DIY E-Commerce is no-go

In this Q&A episode, Serena talks about her experience taking a break from social media and how it benefited her mental health. She also shares tips on managing business social media pages and taking a closure period to focus on CEO work. Plus, you’ll hear her answer questions related to pricing and managing E-commerce. Come get some actionable tips!

In this episode you’ll hear:
  • details on Serena’s social media hiatus
  • how we handle holiday/closure periods
  • how to include software subscriptions in your pricing
  • strategies related to DIY E-commerce
Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen to the full audio here⬇


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